Our instructions for Week 5 were to describe a place. In particular, we were told to show two different characters’ perspectives of the same place.
I chose to write about a couple arriving at their new house. They’ve got different perspectives which are shaped by their contrasting mental states.
The New House
The car veered around the corner and he pointed them towards the top of the hill. Now they were on the part of the new estate where the roads hadn’t yet been completed. High, rough kerbs bordered their way like fresh dentures as they bounded along, skimming pebbles gutterwards. He felt like a pioneer. This was to be a place of opportunity, a place for a fresh start.
“Home” he said with a smile, placing the car at a jaunty angle across the driveway. He stepped out onto the newly laid tarmac, admiring how Mick and Paul had added some spots of white on the surface to break up the monotony of the black pitch. Continue reading →